سومین همایش بینالمللی مطالعات ژاپن در ایران
– چالشها و دیدگاههای در جهان حال تغییر-
دانشکده مطالعات جهان، دانشگاه می جی گاکو این، دانشگاه سیجو، بنیاد ژاپن و سفارت ژاپن در ایران
زمان: 28 و 29 آذر ماه 1388 ( 20 و19دسامبر 2009)
علاقهمندان می توانند با ارسال چکیده مقالات خودبه زبان انگلیسی در یکی از زمینه های زیر یا دیگر موارد مرتبط با مسائل ژاپن به آدرس ایمیل djs_fws@ut.ac.ir دراین همایش شرکت نمایند.
- تاریخ ژاپن: از زمان توکوگاوا تا عصر حاضر
- اقتصاد ژاپن: اقتصاد ژاپن قبل و پس از جنگ جهانی دوم با در نظر گرفتن مسائلی چون توسعه،نظام سرمایه داری دولتی،سیاست گذاری و اندیشه های اقتصادی
- سیاست ژاپن: در ارتباط با ژاپن،ایران،آمریکا و کشورهای آسیای غربی و مطالعات صلح
- آموزش ژاپن: نظام آموزشی ابتدایی،متوسطه و عالی و مطالعات تطبیقی بین ژاپن و کشورهای دیگر
- فرهنگ و مسائل اجتماعی ژاپن: فلسفه،روابط اجتماعی، سنت و مدرنیته ،اقلیت های اجتماعی و مذهب
- روزنامه نگاری ژاپن: از قبل و بعد از جنگ جهانی دوم
مهلت ارسال خلاصه مقالات (500 _ 300کلمه ):
24 شهریورماه 1388
مهلت ارسال متن کامل مقالات (5000 _ 3000کلمه ):
28مهرماه 1388
برای شرکت در این سمینار ثبت نام و پرداخت حق ورود الزامی است.
(دانشجویان 000/100 ، استادان 000/ 150 و سایرین 000/300 ریال)
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مکان: خیابان کارگر شمالی- ورودی دانشکده تربیت بدنی- دانشکده مطالعات جهان
Third International Forum on Japanese Studies in Iran
Challenges and Outlooks in the Changing World
Faculty of World Studies
University of Tehran, Iran
19 & 20 December 2009
Organizer of the forum
Chair: Mohammad NAGHIZADEH
Forum Secretary: Saeid AMELI
Academic Secretary: Mohammad Reza SARKAR ARANI
Coordinators : Maryam HAGHROOSTA (Ms)
Principal Partners: Meijigakuin University (Faculty of
International Studies, International Peace
Research Institute); Japan Foundation; Seijoh
University; The Embassy of Japan
Aim and scope of the forum
The continuity of world peace and prosperity depends on the living presence of all cultures all over the world.
The Faculty of World Studies intends to bring together researchers on the various cutting edges of multidisciplinary Japanese Studies as a prelude to the opening of the Japanese Studies Department at FWS in September 2010.
The forum will bring together a wide range of expertise in the field of Japanese culture, society, politics, and economy. The thematic tracks and major forum themes are as follows:
- Japanese history, focused on a wide range of time span from Tokugawa era to the present time.
- Japanese economy, focused on the post-War Japanese economy, including patterns of development, corporate/state capitalism system, policy and thought.
- Japanese politics, focused on peace studies, relationships between Japan, Iran, USA, and other West Asian countries.
- Japanese education, focused on educational setting, primary, secondary and higher education and comparative studies between Japan and other countries.
- Japanese society, culture, religious, minority issues, and philosophy in a wide range of concepts from traditional to modern.
- Japanese journalism before and after the Second World War.
- The social sciences in modern Japan: Marxian and Modernist.
- Visual industry in Japan.
- Other topics that are not mentioned but are related to the broad concept of Japanese studies.
These themes will help frame our efforts to strengthen the inter-desicplinary approach in the field of Japanese studies and to build a collaborative international cooperation between inter-professionals and intra-Institutions in Iran, Japan and other countries.
Forum format
The first day of the forum is for opening ceremony, keynote speakers, workshops and the second day is devoted to the presentation of papers and panel discussion.
Contributions are invited from researchers, graduate students, policy makers and all those who are interested in Japanese studies. As noted, the presentations will be focused on Japanese studies and what we can learn from Japan in relation to the above themes.
Forum dates and location
The two-day forum will be held on 19 and 20 December, 2009, in the Faculty of World Studies, at Tehran University, Iran.
Forum presentation format
Selected papers will each be allocated a twenty-minute slot for a verbal presentation accompanied by visual images in necessary.
The forum language will be English/Japanese/Persian with translation facility.
It is intended that a book based on forum papers will be published after the event. Completed papers of between 3000-5000 words will thus be required in advance of the forum, in a format conforming to a template that will be supplied to the selected authors.
Forum program
Forum Day 1
AM: Opening Ceremony
PM: Workshops
Evening: Reception and invited view of exhibition (held at the University of Tehran)
Forum Day 2
AM: Panels, Invited and Individual Speakers (accepted papers)
PM: Panel Discussion on Challenges and Perspectives of Japanese Studies in Iran
Closing ceremony
Opening ceremony speakers
● Farhad RAHBAR President of University of Tehran
● Akio SHIROTA Japanese Ambassador in Tehran
● Kazuo OGURA President of Japan Foundation
● Saeid AMELI Dean, Faculty of World Studies,
University of Tehran
Keynote speakers
●Atsushi YOSHII Vice President, Meijigakuin University
●Mohammad NAGHIZADEH Meijigakuin University
Invited papers for forum workshops
●The Light and Shadow of Japanese Capitalism after the Second World War
Presenter: Hideyuki WAKUI Meijigakuin University
Commentator: Mohammad NAGHIZADEH Meijigakuin University
● The 1947 “Peace Constitution and Postwar Japanese Foreign Policy”
Presenter: Takao TAKAHARA: Meijigakuin University
Commentator Atsushi YOSHII Meijigakuin University
● Diversity of Japan-Defining Minorities in the Post -War Era
Presenter: Shigeki TAKEO Meijigakuin University
Commentator: Yunes SHOKRKHAH University of Tehran
●Japanese Education in the Era of Globalization: A Historic and Comparative Perspective
Presenters: Mohammad Reza SARKAR ARANI andTakaki Ishida Seijoh University
Commentator: Takenobu FUKAYA Nagoya Ishidagakuin
●Epistemological Challenges of World Studies: Focus on Japan
Presenter: Saied AMELI University of Tehran
Commentator: Kazuo OGURA President of Japan Foundation
Guidelines for the submission of abstracts
Self-contained abstracts are invited from contributors of between 300-500 words, but no more than that. In particular the submitted proposal must:
– state the theme of the proposed paper;
– provide a list of five keywords that best describe the subject of the paper.
Abstracts will be ‘double-blind’ reviewed through a process of peer assessment. Contributors are required to submit a digital document only, with Microsoft Word being the preferred file type.
Forum deadlines
Call for papers: July 2009
Submission of abstracts: 15 September 2009
Registration: October 2009
Notification of acceptance of papers: 20th September 2009
Final date for submission of full papers: 20th October 2009
Submission of visuals for full papers if any 20th November 2009
Presentation of papers: 19th and 20th December 2009
Forum registration fees
Students: 100,000 Rls
Professors: 150,000 Rls
Others: 300,000 Rls
Further information
Ms Fatemeh Gharahkhani
Address: Faculty of World Studies, Entrance of Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, North Kargar St. Tehran, Iran
Fax: +98-21-88630196